Where can I get good organic turmeric?
Nature’s Box grows and harvests pure organic turmeric intact with its powerful component curcumin that has immense health benefits. Check the unique range for various purposes from cooking to home remedies.
Does turmeric produce heat in the body?
Though turmeric is a heat generating spice it can be combined with lime or almond powder to reduce the heat. Pure turmeric with high curcumin has powerful antioxidants which support immune system. Best combinations with turmeric are lime, honey, cinnamon. Black pepper helps in easy absorption of curcumin and lime cools the body temperature.
How to check purity of turmeric?
Pure organic turmeric is orangish yellow in colour and will have an earthy aroma. Another simple way to test purity is to add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to a glass of water. If water is clear, turmeric is pure. Adulterated turmeric will remain on the top.
What is the difference between raw turmeric and turmeric powder?
The rhizome dried and ground is turmeric powder. Raw turmeric looks like ginger and has more intense flavour. It can be peeled, chopped and used in a variety of dishes, smoothies and herbal drinks.
What is curcumin?
Curcumin is the main component found in turmeric. It has powerful antioxidants that can reduce inflammation, treat several ailments and prevent diseases. Higher curcumin means higher the benefit.
How long does it take to get the results from using turmeric?
It differs from person to person depending on their body constitution. The curcumin in pure organic turmeric gradually builds up in the system. One must have patience and cannot expect immediate results. For cough, common cold, sore throat, it takes 2 days to see the difference. For major ailments, it takes around 2 to 4 weeks to notice the difference. Though it takes certain amount of time, the benefits are long lasting.
How much turmeric can be consumed in a day?
1 to 1.5 teaspoon of organic certified pure turmeric powder is considered safe to use.
Can turmeric cure cancer?
Inflammation plays a main role in cancer and curcumin in turmeric is highly effective in reducing inflammations. A study published in Oncogene journal, one of the leading cancer research journals, showed that Curcumin was more potent in suppressing inflammation and block the process of tumour cell proliferation.
How to take turmeric milk?
Boil one glass of milk. Add 1/4 teaspoon of pure organic turmeric powder rich in curcumin, ¼ teaspoon of black pepper powder in a glass. Pour the boiled milk and mix well. You can sweeten it by adding 1 tablespoon of pure honey. Black pepper helps in easy absorption of curcumin.
What are the health benefits of pure turmeric?
Pure organic turmeric has medicinally rich curcumin that fights infections, prevents heart diseases, cancer, Alzheimer’s. It is effective in treating asthma, arthritis, pains and depression. Apart from boosting memory, immunity, turmeric also aids in keeping sugars and blood pressure under control. One must ensure to use pure organic turmeric to get right results.
How to check purity of honey at home?
You can check if the honey is pure by these simple techniques right at home.
Place a drop on your thumb. If it sticks, it is pure honey.
Place a teaspoon of honey in a bowl of water and swirl it.
Only pure honey will form a hexagonal honey comb pattern.
Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of water. If it settles as a lump at the bottom of the glass, it is pure honey.
Is honey good for a diabetic?
Honey can affect blood sugar levels. If the sugars are in control consistently, pure honey can be consumed in moderation. However, jamun honey can be had as it has low glycemic index which keeps sugar under check. This honey is gathered from the nectar of Jamun flowers which have the substance that slows the release of sugar in the blood.
Does honey produce heat in the body?
Honey provides warmth to the body. It must be noted that honey mixed with hot water produces body heat. It must not be combined with tea, coffee.
Can honey be given to infants?
Babies below one year should not be given honey because the bacteria in baby’s gut is not developed enough. The bacteria present in honey can cause infant botulism which can weaken the muscles.
Can honey be taken at night?
Honey works well when taken during morning as it is known to be an instant energiser. But you can take it in evening too. Make sure you take it half an hour before dinner.